Sunday, 18 Mar 2018
The ride was scheduled for Livermore, but the SMBC wimps decided that the weather might be too cold and Cupertino was closer. I went to Livermore, anyway. I expected to eat alone, but Paul H from Alameda also made the trek to Livermore. The two of us had a nice breakfast.
I had to go to the city. Since I was ahead of schedule I stopped on Yerba Buena/Treasure Island to take a few pictures. That’s why I titled this page San Francisco.
Looking toward the east bay from the base of the eastern span of the bay bridge. Note the blue in the sky. It wasn’t so blue looking west.
A couple of bridges and Alcatraz as viewed from the Avenue of the Palms on treasure island. It has been a very long time since I’ve been on Treasure Island. Last time I remember being on the island was 60ish years ago. I’ve most likely been there since but didn’t remember.