Sunday, 22 June 2014
Tom arrived at the Beach Street Cafe a bit late. Apparently he was waiting on 17 for the group to pass. When it came time to go he had bike troubles. It took full choke and keeping above 3000 RPM to get the bike going. Maybe it was because he broke his rule and filled up at a station while a tanker was dumping its load into the station tanks?
After breakfast we looked for things such as loose vacuum hoses on his bike. Nothing bad noticed. Tom started the bike; it seemed to run fine. Maybe it was bad/dirty gas. To be safe Russ and I followed Tom over Hecker Pass. His bike had no issues when we hit traffic and stop lights on Almaden in San Jose. I waved good-bye and headed north when we got to SR 85.
Pictures from Chris and Marc.
More’n a Few Suggestions
Leaving Watsonville
Sunny on the other side of Hecker Pass
Chris, Bob, and Randy took off for a ride in the Santa Cruz mountains. Pictures from Chris.
More’n a Few Bumps Here
There ARE Roads Through There
About Those Nails Bob..